The Wiz Bee Honey Immunity Tincture

Winter often has an impact on our health, making us prone to colds, coughs, flus and more. To help take care of ourselves, we can make sure we’re consuming the right things. Raw honey is one of those things!

Honey is an elixir that can help boost immunity and promote overall well-being. It contains natural enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. All of these beneficial compounds work together to improve our immune system, making it a valuable ally in combating illness and boosting your immunity – particularly through the winter months. One 2020 study even suggests that honey may be more effective in treating symptoms of cold and flu-like illnesses than over-the-counter medicines!

Take advantage of honey’s immune boosting power with the Wiz Bee Honey Immunity Tincture! Recipe and video below!

The Wiz Bee Honey Immunity Tincture

This recipe is shelf stable. Children take one teaspoon. Adults take one tablespoon.

Add the following ingredients to a large glass jar: 

  • 1 orange, quartered

  • 2 lemons, quartered 

  • 4 inches of ginger, grated

  • 2 rosemary sprigs

  • 3 cloves of garlic

  • 2 cinnamon sticks

  • 1 tablespoon turmeric

  • 1 tablespoon peppercorns

  • 1 tablespoon cloves 

    Then, fill the jar with organic unpasteurized apple cider vinegar 

  • Allow to sit for 3+ weeks

  • Strain out solids

Last, but definitely not least:
Add 1/2 cup or more of Wiz Bee Honey


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Take advantage of honey’s immune boosting power this cold and flu season with this recipe for Wiz Bee Honey Immunity Tincture!


Honey as Medicine: 6 Benefits of Honey


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